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Pet Bottle Crusher For Eco Friendly Disposal of Plastic Waste

Pet Bottle Crusher For Eco Friendly Disposal of Plastic Waste

Pet Bottle Crusher Machine is an easy way to clean up after the dog at home, but what do you do when you’re out in public? Plastics can’t be recycled, so they take up space in landfills and pollute the environment. Enter the Pet Bottle Crusher. The Pet Bottle Crusher is a small indoor tool that can be used to crush plastic bottles into smaller pieces for easier disposal.

Pet Bottle Crusher Machine

Every year, an estimated 8 million metric tons of plastic end up in our ocean. Plastic pollution is now one of the most pressing environmental issues facing the world today. Garbage patches are accumulating at an alarming rate with estimates that there will be more plastic than fish by 2050. The production of plastic bottles has also shown to have an adverse effect on the environment as it takes 300 years for a water bottle to decompose, even if it is being recycled.

Plastic bottles are a major contributors to the amount of plastics that end up in landfills and oceans. People try to recycle what they can, but not everyone has access to recycling centers or is able to transport their plastics as often as needed. Some people even find themselves reusing plastic bottles for convenience later on down the line, only to have them end up in a landfill.

How does a PET Bottle Shredder help in recycling plastic?

A pet bottle shredder machine plays a crucial role in plastic recycling, specifically in the recycling of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles. Here’s how it helps:

Contamination Removal

2 litre plastic bottle crusher can help remove contaminants from the bottles. Contaminants such as labels, caps, and other non-PET materials are typically separated and removed during the shredding process. This step helps improve the purity and quality of the shredded PET material.

Energy Efficiency

Shredding PET bottles before recycling offers energy efficiency benefits. Smaller shredded pieces require less energy to melt during the recycling process compared to larger bottles. The shredded flakes melt more quickly and evenly, reducing energy consumption and processing time.

Size Reduction

PET bottle shredders are designed to break down PET bottles into smaller pieces or flakes. By shredding the bottles, they are effectively reduced in size, making them easier to handle and process in subsequent recycling steps.

Efficient Sorting

Shredded PET bottles can be sorted more efficiently. Shredding creates a uniform size and shape, making it easier for sorting technologies such as air classifiers or optical sorters to identify and separate the shredded PET flakes based on color, quality, or other desired criteria.

Increased Surface Area

Shredding increases the surface area of the PET material. This enhanced surface area facilitates subsequent processes like washing and drying. More surface area allows for better access to cleaning agents, effectively removing any remaining contaminants and residues.

Melting and Re-molding

Shredded PET flakes are typically melted down and remolded into new products. The shredded PET material can be melted and extruded into fibers for textile applications, formed into pellets for manufacturing new bottles or other plastic products, or used as raw material in various industries.

Circular Economy

By shredding and recycling PET bottles, a pet bottle shredder machine contributes to the circular economy. It enables the transformation of discarded bottles into valuable raw materials, reducing the demand for new plastic production and minimizing waste generation.

Overall, our PROKATO pet bottle shredder machine enhances the efficiency of the plastic recycling process by reducing the size of PET bottles, removing contaminants, improving sorting capabilities, increasing surface area, and facilitating the melting and re-molding of the plastic. It promotes resource conservation, reduces waste, and helps create a more sustainable approach to plastic consumption and production.

Our PROKATO Plastic Bottle Crusher for Recycling is built to satisfy all your requirements!

Contact us on +919820020754 for more details.