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Paper Mill Waste Shredder Machine For Small Mills

Paper Mill Waste Shredder Machine For Small Mills

The small paper mill waste shredder machine was designed by an innovator to solve the problem of paper waste accumulation in small mills. The machine is the size of a rental truck, so it is smaller than traditional machines, and can be delivered with ease. The energy consumption is low for this machine because of its low power requirements and it will typically only take 5-10 minutes for this machine to shred all the paper scraps.

The Paper Mill Waste Shredder Machine For Small Mills is a new invention that has been designed to assist smaller paper mills with waste disposal. The shredder is designed to quickly and easily shred waste from the paper production process. It is capable of handling up to 20 tons of waste a day which would make a significant impact on the amount of garbage going into landfills.

Paper Mill Waste Shredder Machine

It is not uncommon for small mills to recycle paper mill waste with their own shredder machine. A common misconception about this process is that the machines are too heavy or dense to handle, but there are many manufacturers who offer light-weight models that are perfect for any size mill.

Until recently, many small mills had no choice but to dispose of their paper mill waste by burning it, something which leads to high levels of air pollution.